Community Engaged CS

CS 186-02 • Fall 2019


This course provides a structured opportunity for students to learn and participate in the departmental and local technical communities on and off campus. The course features activities including guest speakers from the local tech industry; faculty research talks; presentations by the campus career center and similar organizations; field trips to local meetup events; and opportunities for students to socialize and build relationships with one another.

Classes are Mondays from 4:45pm–6:20pm in LS G12, and are often open to non-enrolled students. See the Schedule and Syllabus for more information.

This course is funded by under NSF Grant No. 1833718. As part of grant expectations, an external evaluation of project usefulness and impact will be conducted by SmartStart Evaluation and Research. They will contact you to participate in one or more surveys.

All participants are requested to participate in the project evaluation. These surveys are to evaluate our program (the course) and not you (the student), and will not impact your grades in any way. See the Syllabus for details.